Mini-Makers May

Good Morning Mini-Women!! How is your May wrapping up? Are you finished with school yet? Still have a few weeks left? It has been raining for daaaayyyyysss here in Tennessee. This month we tried something new and it has been such a blast hearing from some of our own TRIBELET.

First we heard from Kaelyn who wrote about what it means to be strong in the Lord.

Then, Esmerelda wrote about what to do when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Lastly, Jenna wrote about our identity and knowing that we have been chosen.

And today, we get to see what our TRIBELET has been creating over the past few months.

So without further ado….This months MINI-MAKERS!!!

Kaelyn sent in this beautiful sunset photo and a poem that goes with it.

kaelyn sunsetSunset Canvas

I see the colors
At the end of the day
When God starts to paint
All the colors and rays
The beauty it brings to this dreary place
I watch as He puts a dash of pink in the sky
Some gold
Fluffy clouds all just in a blink of the eye
Waves of light dance about
Also trees that sway in the breeze
Then I just watch in awe and wonder
As God
Our Father
The Brilliant Painter
He is painting the evening sky
With skill and grace
All of it says love
To the ones who await
Kathryn sent us some photo’s from her trip to Paris. That’s the Eiffel Tower!!!
photo 3
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Esmerelda sent us these lovely photos.
Alyssa sent us this beautiful sunset photo from Maui.
Beth sent us these stunning photos.
Kate sent us a few pictures from her life in Maine.
Pano of the beach.jpeg
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Look for the Turtle in the crook of her leg….

Grace sent us this drawing of a dragon.
Halle Belle sent us this cinquain- which is a 5 line stanza.
Jesus: A Cinquain

Great, almighty

Saving, Working, Loving

Our God is the greatest in the universe

My Savior

Jenna sent us these colorful photos.

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Mini-Women, you did such an amazing job of capturing the beauty of creation. Whether it was natural or man-made. Thank you so much for all your submissions. In the comments section, tell us What is it about creation that draws you closer to God? Or what was a picture or poem that inspired you from this months mini-maker? Why?
Next month is June and Hannah will be back!!! Until then….
Love, Love, Love,

You Have Been Chosen

Mini-Women!! Next week will be the big Mini-Makers showcase so if you would like to submit something-email it to As Beth mentioned in the comments, you can send “Whatever you want! Pictures, short stories, poems, etc. When Mini-Makers started, you could even send in recipes!” We’ll take recipes if you have any that are TO-DIE-FOR! I made some Oatmeal Cookies the other day that were the bomb!

And those of you who have sent something…don’t worry, we have it!! It will be up here on the blog next Wednesday.

But today we have the special treat of hearing from Jenna, a member of the TRIBELET and a mighty mini-woman of God.

Have you ever felt like you were not important? Have the girls at school ever dumped you because you weren’t wearing the “right” outfit? I have had that happen to me. I felt so hurt and so confused that I cried. I didn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want me to be with them and it was devastating.

But can I tell you something?

God started healing my heart.

I explained what happened to my mom and she helped me understand my identity in Christ. Those three words, identity in Christ, can pretty much change your life.

When I have rough days, I have to remind myself of this: God has chosen me.


In 1 Peter it says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…” The Bible tells us that we are CHOSEN. We are ROYALTY.  We are the Creator’s SPECIAL possession. When those words are in our minds, the nasty names that others call us, don’t matter. But that is a really easy thing to say and if I’m honest, I have a hard time believing it myself.

For me, the names and labels cut deep. Looking from the outside, it seems that some girls are more effected than others. You know why? I think it is because of identity. The girls who know they are loved and adored by Jesus, are confident in who they are. The labels slip off.

I want that so much and I know that God desires it for me, too.

But how can we stop the mean words from hurting us? Something that has worked for me, is what I call smothering lies with Truth (the Truth of God’s Word).

When someone calls me insecure, I know that I am God’s Special Possession.

When I am called ugly, I know that Jesus’ love makes me Beautiful.

When someone says I am worthless, I see that I am a Daughter of the King.

When I am told I am unlovable, Jesus calls me His Beloved.  

When I feel like I don’t belong, I know that I have been Chosen.


Special, Beautiful, Daughter of the King, Beloved, Chosen, those words describe who WE are in Jesus. You are chosen each day to be the daughter of the King, who helps you see that you are special and loved, knowing that, Your Beauty will be evident to everyone around you.

In your talking to God Journal, write a list of unkind words. They can be ones you have been called, or words that you know aren’t true. Then on the same page, write the opposite of the mean word. Which column does God see you as? When you are feeling discouraged, remind yourself how much Jesus loves you.  

In the comments section: Have you ever been called something that you know is not true? Can you find a verse that can smother that lie? Then share it with us!

Love,  Jenna



Feeling Overwhelmed?

Mini-Women!! I totally glitched. I am so sorry this post is late. On Monday and Tuesday I thought-I need to put the post up on Wednesday. And then Wednesday came and went…Poof. No posty the bloggy. I apologize. Funnily enough, this week Esmerelda wrote a post for us about what to do when you feel overwhelmed by life.  I can certainly relate to that. And I’m not even in school with all the end of year wrapping up that goes on. Once again, sorry this is late.

Hi everyone, Esmeralda here. I’m really excited to be writing this for all of you. I love this blog and have been here for about a year now! It has been a huge blessing to me and I hope that it is a blessing to you, too.

I’m going to be talking about being overwhelmed.

I’m sure it is a feeling that everyone is familiar with. Overwhelmed with school, homework, chores, babysitting, the lists go on and on. Especially with the school year ending now. Sometimes I just want to throw myself across my bed and scream.


The good news-is that, I have some tips for you, these are all things that help me when I’m overwhelmed:

  1. Write lists of what you have to do, breaking everything down helps it not seem like so much. 
  2. Pray, pray that God would give you the strength, patience and help that you need to get through everything.
  3. Go for a walk or run if you can. It really helps to clear your head.
  4. Write in your talking-to-God journal, just write all about how hard it is to get everything done in time, etc.

I hope that this post is helpful to all of you. I will be praying that all of you are able to be at peace and not be overwhelmed.

Thanks for reading this.


So what has you feeling overwhelmed at the moment? Feel free to share in the comment box. So we can be praying for each other.

And don’t forget-It’s Mini-Maker’s May. Send your creative submissions to so we can share them with the TRIBELET. And if you still don’t understand what mini-makers is all about-click here

Love, Love, Love,




Strength in the Lord

Hello everyone!!  It is Kaelyn here and this is my first ever post on this blog!!  I am honored to be able to do this and I today I am talking about the strength God gives us.  

It is something we all want to have whether it is to stand up to a bully, face your fears, or doing what is right in hard circumstances. God knows our fears, doubts, and worries. He cares about every single one of them and He even knows every hair on our heads. That is a lot,when you think about it!! In Luke 12:6 it says,” Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.” That is a lot of love and, if He can see five sparrows,  how much does He see us? He sees us as His daughters, His beloved, and His princesses. He sees us as His children.  


With this worth in ourselves, we can have courage.   What does courage mean? I looked up the meaning of courage and this is what I found.  


  1. The ability to do something that frightens one
  2. Strength in the face of pain and grief  

I also noticed something else in these definitions, the word strength. Being the kind of girl I am, I looked up the meaning of the word strength as well.  


  1. The quality or state of being strong, in particular  
  2. A good or attribute of quality or attribute of a person or thing 

We then may start to think,” I am not strong, and I am scared as well. ” We can change that by becoming stronger. We get stronger physically by working out and lifting weights.  We can get stronger spiritually by reading the Bible, praying, and being in a community of strong believers.  

A verse that has helped me a lot when I am afraid, is 2 Timothy 1:7.

 spirit of love

In another translation, it says , power and love and of sound mind.  When we have fear, we are not sound of mind. God can give us courage and we can do that by saying, ” I do not have a spirit of fear. I have a spirit of power, love, and self-control.” The awesome thing is, God is always there with us, we have worth,  and we are growing spiritually every day. He gives us the courage and the strength to move mountains. If that mountain is what is happening in our family situation, school situation, or anything at all. God is there and He gives the strength to move mountains with faith.

matt 17-20

Nothing is impossible with God, and with Him we can find the courage to do anything.  We can find the courage to stand up to that bully, to do the right thing when everyone isn’t,  and to face our fears.

In the comments, we are here if you want to  let us know where you need courage and strength in your life.  We will be praying for you and we can do this together. For me at times, I need courage to share the light of Jesus.  You are not alone and we are in this together. Also, if you want to say where God has given you courage, we all love to hear that too!!
In our Talking to God Journals this week, let’s ask God to give us the courage  to do what is right, to stand strong, and to have what we need through whatever situation we go through.   

This is Kaelyn and I will see you next time!!  🙂

Ok Mini-Women-you may have noticed a little something different today. We had a guest blogger!!!  Kaelyn has been a part of the TRIBELET for years now and we wanted to give her the opportunity to share a post. We are calling this is MINI-MAKER MAY and we want to hear from you! We thought it would be fun to make May a showcase of the many talented mini-women who are part of our TRIBELET. Send your art, poems, writing, photography…however you want to express your creativity and we will showcase it here on the blog this month. Just email it to Find out more about mini-makers here.


May: A Month of Changes!

Hi mini-women!


We’ve got such an exciting month planned, and I can’t wait to read all these upcoming posts!  I love all you girls so dearly and I love that this blog is such a fun place to chat and learn and grow.


Speaking of growing and changing, this month will sure be a change for me!  I just had my first baby a few weeks ago!  He’s such a fun little man and being a mom has already been quite the adventure!  So if you don’t see me chatting as much on the blog this month – you can blame my little boy!  He’s taking up all my time and he doesn’t seem to care. 😀

 Introducing Sebastian Paul!

Sebastian being amazing

Never fear girls, I should be back in June!  And you know that Leslie and Asher are awesome and are happy to cover for me while I figure out how to be a mom to a little person who doesn’t like sleep as much yet!  Seriously, he needs to realize that naps are the best thing ever.  I’m trying to convince him of that!


The month of May is really all about change anyway, isn’t it?  For those of you who are homeschooled, you’re finishing up your schoolwork, and those in you in public school have only about a month to go!  Yay for summer break!  The weather is FINALLY warming up and we’re starting to see some flowers pop up.  I happen to like all four seasons (yes, even when that means piles of snow!) but there is something happy and fresh about spring that wakes up your senses after a long winter of the earth taking a rest.


For me, spring time sparks my creativity.  I write more poetry, I write more stories, I take more walks outside and I sometimes even draw pictures.  Well, I should say I TRY to draw pictures.  Trust me, you mini-women don’t want to see my work featured in Mini-Makers!  I’ll leave that to you talented souls.


For this month, I have a new baby and I’ve never been a mom before, so I could certainly say that’s ENOUGH of a big change for May!  But I think it’s important to make sure that I don’t label myself a mom and forget that I was Hannah first.  So for May, I think my goal will be to go outside and work on my archery skills!  I have a bow and arrows and a target and I’m home all the time now, so I say it’s a perfect time to work on that hobby!  I think that can be my May goal.

Female Archer

What about you mini-women?  What’s something NEW you can try this month?  I can’t wait to hear!

