Getting to Know Jesus – Week 2

Hi girls!

I’m excited to have the next topic to chat about this week.

Exodus 15 Verse

What did Jesus think about healing?

I know some of you have shared in the past that you’re going through some medical issues, and if you personally aren’t, I think we all know someone who is.  Healing can be a difficult topic.  Sometimes the Lord chooses to not heal a person on earth, and to give them a new body in heaven instead.

For today, we’re going to talk about when Jesus healed people on earth.  I’ve got three stories for us to look at.

(Go grab your Bibles if you’re not familiar with the stories I’m talking about, and read them!  You’ll understand my commentary much better!)


Story #1:  The Roman Centurion and his servant (Luke 7 and Matthew 8)

Mini women, did you know this is the only time in Scripture where Jesus makes such a huge proclamation, “Nowhere else have I seen such faith!”

And this faith was not from a rabbi, a disciple, a faithful Jesus follower, but from a Roman soldier, a man whose only real job was to keep the Israelites under control. A high-ranking soldier it seems, so someone who had fought in many battles, and learned the harsh warfare techniques of the Roman empire.  Let’s just say, he was not an innocent peaceful man.

Luke 7 Picture

But he knew this, which is why he didn’t even let Jesus come to his house.  His faith was so great that He knew if Jesus just said the words, his servant would be healed no matter where Jesus was.

Again, this man was not a Jew, had no reason to believe in Jesus, and yet his faith was praised by the Messiah Himself.

What does this tell us?

First of all, it reminds us that you do not have to have a pure and unblemished record to ask for healing.  I am not saying to ignore sin in your life, or ways you need to change, but I am saying – don’t let that stop you from coming to the Throne Room and asking for your miracle.

And second, when you do to Jesus in prayer and ask, do so with humility.  This Roman centurion was in charge of many men and had great authority, and could have easily thrown his privilege around.  He chose not to.  He told Jesus not to come to his home, because he was unworthy to host Him.  He was content to send a messenger, to allow Jesus to answer him from afar, whatever that answer would be.


Story #2:  The Blind Man (John 9)

There’s no getting around it girls.  This one can be a tough pill to swallow.

When we are suffering, it’s only logical that our mind starts to search for answers.  “What have I done wrong?  Where are you God?  Why don’t you take this pain away from me?”

The disciples sure thought so.  They saw the blind man and immediately thought he must have done something wrong.  Or maybe his parents did and their punishment was a blind son.

Jesus answered them with a pretty powerful statement.  “This was done so the glory of God might be displayed in him.”

Jesus knew that this man had suffered greatly since birth.  This man must have had some heartbreaking days.  But Jesus also knew that without suffering, there is no rejoicing.  There are no miracles if there is no one to heal!  It can be a bitter pill to swallow when WE are the ones doing the suffering and waiting on Jesus.

John 9 Verse

But oh mini women – what an incredible story we will have to tell, of how the Lord was faithful.  And it will be so amazing and fun to help others who are struggling in the same way.  Because we’ve been there, done that.


Story #3: The Lame Man at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5)

Now this story always makes me chuckle a little.

There’s a man laying by the pool waiting to be healed.  The story tells us he can’t walk and has been waiting for 38 years!  But what does Jesus ask him?

“Do you want to be healed?”

Well goodness I would think so!  He’s only been waiting for 38 years!

But Jesus gives him the choice. We always have one.  Maybe we think the healing will be too hard, or take too long, or change our lives too much.  But I hope we be like that man and choose healing.  Jesus is more than able, but I think this story reminds us that we have to ask!  We might ask many many times, but let’s not be shy.  Let’s come to Jesus and say, “Yes please!”

John 5 Verse


Mini women, I know today was a heavy topic.  Next week will be lighter I promise!  But in the comments, please give us some prayer requests for healing so we can all pray for each other.  Remember not to give too many personal details, just so there’s privacy. 


Love you girls!  Let’s pray together, and I’ll see you next week!


This is a quick note, unrelated to our post, but I wanted to let you girls know that we will be closing the Tribelet blog at the end of August.  After August, me, Leslie, Asher and of course Nancy will be back for one last farewell post in the first week of September.  We are so grateful for all the fun we’ve had with you here, and we are looking forward to talking to you in September about where to go from here.

27 thoughts on “Getting to Know Jesus – Week 2

  1. Hey everyone! I posted this on August MIni Makers, but since the subject is healing I’ll post it again. My BFF’s sister, mom and aunt got into a huge car accident a couple weeks ago. The mom broke her wrist and ankle, the sister broke her toe and collar bone and the aunt has some bad bruises. The sister is done having surgery and will still be going to High School as planned, it will be hard for her because she’s been home schooled most of her life and she won’t be able to play sports because of her collar bone. The mom is going to have surgery soon. The aunt is ok and flew back home. Prayers for them would be awesome! Also, thank you Kaelyn for praying for them!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am praying , Hannah!
    I know a lady who had something happen that stopped the oxygen from reaching her brain and she almost died. She is doing better now but she needs a lot of prayers!
    And I would also appreciate prayers for my headaches. My concussion is gone but I still get headaches when I am doing math, science. etc. and since school started, those headaches have only increased 😦
    Thanks! I’m excited to see where we go from here 🙂
    Have a blessed day ❤


  3. There is a little girl at our church with cancer and she needs prayer. If you could pray for her, I would appreciate it tremendously!! 🙂


  4. Hey guys. Just wanted to ask for prayers for my friends on Maui. There have been 3 fires over there and they have burned 2000 acres. 7 homes were burnt completely down to the ground, and one of those was my friend’s. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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