
Helloooo, Tribelet, and welcome to Wednesdays With Nancy, where we’re all about respecting the dignity of every human being. A lot of the time that comes down to putting a stop to bullying — but more than that it means being our best selves. To. Every. One.

Even sisters. Even brothers. Even people who don’t seem to have a whole lot of respect for US. Even boys.

SPEAKING of the opposite gender, MEDOMFO, ALYSSA, EVE, KAYLEE and NIMI were all inspired by the video about the group of, yes, boys, who didn’t just stand up for a kid who was being bullied. They made him part of their group. Almost all of you said, “Who knew boys could actually be kind?”

You, of course, are all working on your respecting skills, and I hope you’ll let us know when you’ve met your “stop gossiping” challenge. I know MEGGIE BEAR, KAYLEE, KEILAH, EVEN, ADIE, ANA and HALLE BELLE are still working on that. If you missed that challenge, just click here and you can catch up.

While we’re on the subject of meeting challenges, one of you has reached 50 points!!! Congrats HALLE BELLE! She added 5 points by standing up for her cousin with Down Syndrome and that took her to 50. email me   Halle Belle and we’ll set up your Skype or phone call. You’ve worked hard and made a difference in other people’s lives. That’s what we’re talkin’ about.

One of the things I love about our Wednesday community is that we’re here for each other. I do want to say two things on that topic, though:

     (1) Since this blog is about a particular thing, let’s limit our comments to the challenge or whatever is in red in the post. If you’d like to ask for prayer or keep us posted on your health, you are more than welcome to do that on the Tween You and Me blog, which I think all of you are familiar with.

     (2) We talk a lot about having grown-ups to help us with these really hard things we’re trying to do, but we might be missing a person who is ALWAYS there.

I got this idea from our wonderful Elder Melle’s six-year-old daughter. Remember her from the picture of the Mini-Tribelet a couple of posts ago? Izzy with buttonThe two of them were talking about feelings (what a great mom MELLE is!) and here’s what happened, in Melle’s words:

     “I mentioned how I am so glad that we can talk about these things, because I couldn’t do that with my mom. She immediately said, ‘Yeah, I think we’re special like that, like I can even tell you when I don’t like you very much and you are okay with it if I’m just reporting. You should do that with SO not Okay. You and Nancy could teach kids how to talk talk to parents about their feelings.’ She requested that I email you.”

She is right ON, isn’t she? What we’re trying to do here on So Not Okay is really hard sometimes, and even with all the things we offer on the webpage and the books and our blog, the Tribelet Elders aren’t in your house, available to you in the middle of the night or before you go to sleep or at four o’clock in the afternoon when you’re having a meltdown because somebody’s being mean.

You mom IS there.

The trouble with that is that this is also the time in your life when you’re probably pulling away from your mom a little in healthy ways. That’s normal. But it can make it tough to turn to her when you do need her. And you do.

So let’s spend a couple of Wednesdays talking about how you can make your mom your ally in this hard stuff of respecting the dignity of difficult people. Sound good?

There will be new challenges for earning points, but for this week, why don’t we see where you are.

      (1) On a scale of one to five, with 5 being “really close” and 1 being “we barely speak”, what is your relationship with your mom like?

     (2) Then, if you want to, tell us more about the things you can and can’t talk about with Mom. This isn’t an invitation to parent-bashing. It’s more like, “this is good — and I wish this was better.” Then maybe I can help you get where you want to be.

And let’s hear a big old thank you to our Mini-Mascot!

Blessings, Nancy Rue

15 thoughts on “WHAT ABOUT THE MOMS?

  1. Congrats Halle Belle, you’ll tell us your experience later, won’t you? 😉 On a scale of 1 to 5,this is really sad to write down, but mine is 2. I can talk to her about my day at school and stuff but not about what’s going on in my life or what’s troubling me and I can’t talk to her about puberty. Thank you our mini-mascot(but I’ll like to know what your name is:-)


  2. For me I think my relationship with my Mom is REALLY high, 4 1/2. I can talk to her about EVERYTHING!!!! I can talk to her about my emotions, who I’m upset with, who I’m happy with, even the boys I like. I sometimes find it hard to tell her if I’ve disobeyed her, or done something wrong….
    I guess all of u know what I mean! 🙂 ❤


  3. Oh, and Miss Nancy I don’t think I completed the 6 day gossip challenge, I forgot…WHOOPS!! ;(


  4. Thanks Mini-Mascot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤ 😉 🙂
    Sad to say, but on a scale of 1-10, my relationship with my mom is like Nimi's, 2. 😦



  5. She is a cutie! I mean, Melle is very blessed to have that 6 year old, God loving daughter.She is even wearing the “Bullying is everybody’s problem” pin! I would say that my relationship with my Mom is a 4 1/2 like Keilah. I can talk to her about puberty, the boys I like, what worries me and puts me down, but I wish that when I did something wrong or something that she does bothers me, I could tell her easily.


  6. I think my relationship with my mum is on a scale of 4.
    I finished the gossiping challenge. Sorry, I thought I already said!


  7. Congrats Halle Belle on 50 points!

    I haven’t commented, but I’ve been following the posts briefly.

    I would say my relationship with my mom is about 4 ish? She makes it really easy to talk about all the stuff happening with me. Though I wish she treated me like I was older, sometimes treats me then I am.


  8. Go Mini-Mascot!
    Thank you, you guys! I’m so excited to skype/talk with Ms. Nancy!
    From a scale of 1-5, mine would be 4.3.
    I can talk to her about most stuff, but some stuff I feel like I can only share with God.

    Halle Belle ❤


  9. Helloooo wonderful tribelet! I was away on vacation with my two mini-mascots, but we’re back in the real world now. Thank you all for your kind words. My girl feels a bit of an internet celebrity, as well she should. I am so glad that she can be as much of an inspiration to others as she is to me. I also want to offer a grain of hope to any of you who are having a hard time with your mom relationship. When I was your age (a young teen/tween) my relationship with my mother was at a 2. Over the next few years, it fluctuated between a 1 and a 3. It was not a good place for either of us. With time, however, counseling, talking, and healing on both our parts, I am happy to say that we have been holding steadily at a 4 for the past few years. I look forward to talking to her, and to sharing my life with her. Healing is always possible, and most mothers will always be there when you need them. Love to you, mini-women!!


  10. Great to hear that Melle! Like I said in my comment, she is such a cutie You and we are so blessed to have her! I love how she is taking a stand against bullying at a young age. Also, is the Ask the Elders page not working again because about a week or 2 ago I put in three questions and haven’t gotten a response.


  11. For me I think on a scale of 1-5, I’m probably a 2.4. I can talk to her about the usual stuff, but not boys and puberty stuff is really awkward. I try, but I just get really embarrassed.


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